Season 1

SUSAN BRATTON- Orgasms, Rebuiling Sex, Oral, Squirting and tons of fun
Trusted Hot Sex Advisor to Millions
LAMONT- Hella Single Podcast
Prostate Orgasms, Mutual Masterbation
Season 2
Cuming Soon!
Into- MIRANDA, your host
On Interesting Sex Podcast, Miranda interviews people that are into BDSM, kink, fetish and anything that isn’t that vanilla. She talks to people about their sex but wants to open up a little bit about her own past so you know where she is coming from. Having tried being a submissive for the first time, there was a whole psychological bag of worms that opened up in her mind. Daddy issues, co-dependency, attention whore (literally) and more things came up for her during this process. Learn why she started this podcast. Getting serious and having fun at the same time she is creating a podcast where we can all learn about sex, new things to try or that we don’t want to try or just become more aware of the people and experiences around us. It’s a good time and thanks for listening!

Episode 1- ICY LONDON
Burlesque and so much more
Icy London, a burlesque dancer in Seattle talks about dancing, sex parties and suitcases full of sex toys!
She talks about how she found her way into the beautiful burlesque scene in the North West and how the kink community embraces and encourages sexuality, openness and exploration. From pink bondage gear to enjoying submissive sex to run ins with the TSA we really talk a lot about some fun stuff! We have so much fun talking to this little tease.
Support her at
instagram @icy.london
photo Cred- KatieKihara

Episode 3 - ALICE
Monster Porn, Group Sex, Public Sex
We are lucky to have such a spirited little hornball on the show! Alice loves monster porn, and is kind enough to give us insight into what the heck Monster Porn is! She has had plenty of public sex and group sex and she has plenty of things around her room that could be a dildo. Lets chat it up y'all,
Bondage Gear and Fire Play
So stoked to have this creator, Peteus Maximus of Maximus Leatherworks on the show. We talk about fire play, which I didn't even know was a thing before this interview! We chat about open relationships, designing leather bondage gear, his love of being a dom as well as his willingness to try and bottom, penis degradation and so much more! This episode is so fun, you will love it
Support him and get his gear! HERE in SEXY GOODIES or
instagram @MaximusLeather
Fetlife handle Peteus_Maximus

Episode 4- BELLA LAVEY
Spiritual Deep Throating, Pro Dom, Erotic Wrestler, Sexy Mama
Bella LaVey is a very cool guest. She started in the sex industry as a striper, then becoming a pro-Dom, an erotic wrestler and now an author and a holistic sex coach. She finds sex and spirituality to be deeply intertwined. She is a giving mother, a caring human and now is living life helping others find themselves in their own sexuality. We are so lucky there are women in the world like Bella.
Support her
Get her book on Amazon or anywhere!
Fetish Girl: A Memoir of Sex, Domination and Motherhood
facebook- Bella LaVey
Instagram- @BellaLavey
fet life- Sacred Slut
Episode 5 - ALLEN
Circus Sex, Open Relationships, 3somes

Allen is as cute as a button! He is a flying trapeze artist and lives in the North West. As a circus performer, Allen gets to have sex with multiple circus women. We get to talk to him about circus sex, open relationships, what makes a good lover and whatever else we want. This episode is sexy, informative and fun. It's right up your alley!
Episode 7 - Bella Lunacy
Poly, Submissive, Fruits
This beautiful lady is sexy and oh so fun. Bella Lunacy loves power exchange and exploring kink and love with people she loves. Her kinks are partner specific and as long as they and she are passionate about what they are doing, then she will give a fu&k. From fruit to daddy fantasies she can rock anyone's world. Special shoutout to instagrams @stephanie_sarley for doing some really sexy fruit art.
Check out Bella Lunacy on
Facebook and Patreon- Bella Lunacy
She has some sexy picnic photo shoots on Patreon that you have to see!!!!!